The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires businesses to collect your explicit consent before storing and using your personal data and explain what we and our third-party partners use the data for.We use some data based on Legitimate Interest. They are essential to running our website and consent may not apply. See the “Essential to site functionality” section for a list of those cookies and partners. You can toggle your consent for all other cookies individually or as whole category. Click to the Functional Cookies and Performance Cookies tabs to do so.
Separately, since digital advertising funds our site, we work within the Internet Advertising Bureau’s (IAB) Transparency Consent Framework (TCF), which allows us to pass your consent settings to all the third-party partners involved in showing advertisements on The Spruce Pets. Vendors may collect different kinds of data for different purposes. You can edit your consent setting for each category on the left. You can also drill down into each category to change consent for specific vendors.
Finalize your selections by clicking “Confirm My Choices” at the bottom of this module.Learn more about cookie consent here.